Tawhirimatea Planting Day

Yesterday, on Tuesday we planted tree  first we had to get a black plastic bag then we filled it halfway up with soil then we put a plant in and then we filled it up again and and lost a weed match on top. It was very fun. It was a native cabbage tree. I helped to put them all in order. Everyone worked in buddies, my buddy was Ashleigh. My buddy had to go to guitar practice so I was on my own but luckily I was a helper. I said help her I had to help people do lots of things like I had to show them how to do it. Then I took it from them and put it all in the order that all the other ones were in.

Arbor Day is about when we plan to trees we celebrate the tree. Replanted native trees because they grow better in New Zealand. Trees are important because I give us oxygen to breathe. They also important because they grow food for us.

Rising sea levels

we made an experiment to show the rising sea levels of the sea overnight We put Play-Dough and plastic people in it to show what we did. We use the plastic people as people who were on the island and and we see what happened overnight and we put a big ice cube in it we waited to see what happened. Once the head melted to see if the rise the water level got bigger or smaller and it got bigger we take the rules to the side to see how long it would be.

Ocean Experiment

We have been learning about World Ocean Day and why it is important to look after the ocean. For this experiment, we learnt about ocean currents.