Category: Hanga | Create

Strike performance

My school had an opportunity to go to a strike performance in our school hall. At the strike performance there were three people. There was one girl and two boys who had some instruments handmade by people that they meet when they played in a different country.  I learnt at a music School in Wellington. Some of the students came up and played. They use fire on these sticks to make the fire go everywhere they used a special spray. I thought the fire was a hot fire but it turns out that it was a cold fire. There was a teacher drum battle. It was the loudest of the loud. I would  rate it 1 billion out of 10.

Monday – mashup Dance

On Monday we do Monday mash up there are different activities to do. I did dance with my teacher Erica. All the kids tried to do are human pyramid.  For security rules make sure the person either you’re on top of them that there comfortable of where you are on there bodies. In the first week we found a group my group did Irish dancing but some of them so they did a random dance

Food groups

We learnt about the 4 food groups and everyday and sometimes foods. The 4 food dairy, grain, protein and fruit and veg. The people who came from the Heart Foundation their names were Laura and Daini. We used school lunches and took photos of them we’ve been made little text boxes and we wrote the four food groups based on what was in the dumplings. We try to make the lunches more balanced like putting a yogurt box on the side. I think that they can put a bit more veggies in it. Here is a picture that I made about it.




Top team

For the top team I was in group 5. We did lots of different challenges it was really fun.We used succeed by doing the tower and it looked right like all the others .And then we had to carry it all the way to the bucket we had to teap the small bucket on the top with water in it into the big bucket. We also did a sack race. With 4 people in the sack at once. Thean we did a egg and spoon race but with a ball. We had to do an opstcall cos it was really fun.

My Bird Art

On Thursday we made bird art. we had to use glue a template and some coloured paper. I made a tui. These people are in my group  Paige, Aaliyah Rose, Kylah and Daisy.We had to stick feathers in the right plce

it was really fun.Her is a picture of my group.