Year: 2024

Dragon eye’s

Dragon Eyes 


On Friday afternoons, we do Action Stations. This term, I chose to make Dragon Eyes.


First, we read some descriptions of dragons and identified their characteristics.


Then we completed a planning sheet, considering what we wanted our dragon to be like. We thought about personality, colour and features.


I decided I wanted my dragon to be midnight, magical, dark, sleek, mighty, shimmery and fearsome.


After that, we used the clay. Mine was moon themd mixed with the ocean.


Finally, we painted them. The colors I used were white,black blue and green.


Today we had CRT. For CRT we had Matt. With Matt we did PE. He told us about strategies and tactics. We played capture the flag and dog ball. It was really fun. My team was really good. We won all the games. At first Matt said we where going to do a spelling test. But he was lying. But know matter what it was so fun. For strategies in tactics we talk to our friends about how we can improve and what we can do.


For Monday mash-up we used the bee bots. We had to make a road for the bee bot. My groups road was really windy. Me and my friend Jaqueline made a pedestrian crossing. Here is a picture of my road.

Action station

On Friday we do action stations. For my action station I chose Dance with Talei. I learnt the heel and toe polka and the cupid shuffle. But I found the heel and toe polka hard because I had to keep in sync with my partner when we had to clap. But my favourite part was just dance. I showed empathy.

Life Education

For literacy we went to the life education van. There we saw Jo and Harold the giraffe. We learned about the 9 basic needs. They are Oxygen,Food,Water,Exercise,Sleep,Love,Safety,Clean and Shelter.

We also learned about how the heart works. When you breath the air  goes to your heart. Then the heart pumps it around the body.

By the way do you know Harold?


For CRT I did epro8.  What I found  challenging was making the base. But I loved was  Screwing in the boats. Here’s a picture of me and my group working.